Backlogged much and I thought I'd just skip some things but then I thought I'd still like to have a record of what (little) I've done with the doll hobby this spring. If not for others, just for myself, when I read the old posts some day in the undefined future!
Actually, even though I haven't done all that much with my dolls lately, surprisingly I've been to a lot of dollmeets this spring! I'll try to post about the meets in chronological order so it might take some time to cover them all.
A few weeks back I went to Jyväskylä, a city in Central Finland. The trip was made on a very short notice and the original reason for me to go there was so that me and my dear friend Petunia could make reservations for fligths and hotels for our trip to ---!--- London next October! Apparently there was a dollmeet to be held on that same weekend there and Petunia invited me to come over.
Ajanpuutteen vuoksi suomenkieliset käännökset tulevat myöhemmin. Olen lähdössä matkalle Saksaan tänään illalla ja pakkaaminen on vielä tekemättä! :'D Kaikki jää viime tippaan kuten tavallista.
Käväisin jokunen aika sitten Jyväskylässä, jotta voisimme Petunian kanssa ostaa matkaliput ja varata hotellit lokakuun Lontoon matkaa varten. (ollaan taas lähdössä reissuun yhdessä, jeeee! En malta odottaa! x3 ) Paikkakunnalla sattui olemaan myös nukkemiitti käynnissä, johon Petunia minut ystävällisesti kutsui. Tässä hieman Jykylä-tunnelmia!
Tämän postauksen jälkeen seuraavaksi vuorossa Helsinki- ja Turku-miittien tunnelmia, mutta tässä välissä saatan postata myös jotain matkafiiliksiä mikäli saan WiFin käyttöön ja toimimaan! Jee jee.
Sillä välin pitäkää hauskaa vaikka Google Translatorin kanssa! :D
I've always wanted to visit Teeleidi, a Tea salon that I'd heard a lot about from Petunia. The meet was held there so I got to finally visit and taste all kinds of nice tea varieties!
The lemon pie in the topmost pic was also very tasty!
They had so many different kinds of tea, it was hard to decide!
I'm a tea aficionado, and actually I like pure green tea, white tea or oolong tea without any added flavorings. But the flavored teas at Teeleidi were very tasty in fact! I was pretty surprised, since I don't usually like that kind of tea...
It would be awesome if we had such a nice teahouse in my hometown Turku or in Helsinki too! The house where Teeleidi keeps business is over a hundred years old (and yes, I asked, it's haunted! yay!)and was ideal for meets since it hosts several separate rooms where you can have your privacy with a small group.
All the details in Teeleidi's interior decoration were so awesome!
Ohh nooo! Only now, looking at this pic of the shelf I realized they had books offered for book crossing too! D: I would have wanted to check what they had!!! Oh well, next time... I love bookcrossing! (too bad the ones I've found before have been utterly boring...)
我が家のアイドル、エルノちゃん!Wagaya no Idoru. Eruno-chan! Our idol, Erno-chan! Erno had found a new pet, little Skelejohn! <3
Meidän kunnianarvoisa idolimme, Erno-chan! Erno oli löytänyt uuden lemmikin, Skelejohnin!
Here's the group shot of the dolls that were at the meet. I only had little ones with me this time, Remy (of course), little fennec, Nendoroid Aoba and Maid Vel. Who is still in need of a name!
Almost all of my doll pics I took there were ruined because I took them against the light hat shone from the windows... :'(
But I had to include at least one of Petunia's Erno and my Maid Vel because Petunia did so many funny poses with them! (And both of them were bought at our trip to Japan so, nostalgia!)
Afterwards we went to eat at the American Diner with Petunia. We both had special Angus beef burgers and it was soooo tasty! I love fine dining but I will not say no to a good burger either! Defnitely one of the best burgers I've had in Finland. (but still, the top number 1 place is held by Grill Knallen in Korppoo... although that grill doesn't exist anymore and I can never have their super delicious burgers...)
I've been thinking I'd like to make posts of the different restaurant experiences I've had and post pics of the food here. Would anyone be interested in posts like that?
I'll put a doll or a figure in the same picture with the food too, just to keep it on topic! Heh, I usually do that anyway. :'D
I just thought that it would be fun to post reviews like that and stuff. I myself spent the 4 hour bustrip from Turku to Jyväskylä by looking up what kind of restaurants they had there. And found a particularly fun blog that reviewed restaurants in Jyväskylä. I find myself often searching for recommendations for things from blogs and I find it very nice if someone has taken the time to record their experiences for others to see! Since posts like that have been very useful to me, I'd like to pass that on! (Not implying that my posts of random blabber could be useful to anyone. :P )
After that we went to my hotel room and looked up some hotels and flights... and finally booked some! Yi-ppee! I'm so excited! It's been too long since my last visit to London and I've been aching to go there again... this will be my fourth time there.
We don't have any specific plans for our trip yet (other than the Sherlock Holmes Museum, because Petunia is a Sherlock fan... and me too, athough I'm a little bit more into the original Conan-Doyle Sherlock than BBC's version. But I have nothing against BBC Sherlock, and I have to say that Petunia's enthusiasm about it has rubbed on me a little. ;) I did go to watch the Christmas Special episode in ou local movie theater and I liked it!), mostly I think we'll just be walking around, taking the general atmosphere in and enjoying ourselves. (...I wonder if they still sell those tasty crab sandwiches...)
I'd also love to visit Sir John Soane's Museum again! It was such a peculiar and awesome place. I'm a museum kind of person. Some people find museums boring, I think they are brilliant! I'm also looking forward to recording our London adventures on Instagram!
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A view from the Ibis Blackfriars. Picture property of Ibis Hotels. |
Hmm, so excited about traveling at the moment! I'm also going for a trip to Germany. The opportunity to go there came on a short notice but I've always been a little impulsive. :D I've yet to post about my favorite things in Hamburg to Instagram and I'm super super excited that now I'll (hopefully) have the chance to show my love for that city via photos.
I got the super delicious Gabunomi - melon cream soda from Petunia as a gift! Ooooh! yayyyy! Now I don't have to wait for a year before I can have it again.
This soda is so good, we drank it all the time in Japan last summer. (Gabu is an onomatopoetic word for to "gulp" and "nomu" means to drink. So the name of the drink roughly translates to "To drink by gulping", which refers to the fact that the drink is so good you're hard-pressed not to gulp it down too fast! :D)
Also, Turre kindly gifted me the newest issue of Koiramme - Our Dogs, the magazine of the Finnish Kennel Club. Thank you both, I'm super happy about the gifts! <3
Kiitos Turre ja Petunia kivoista lahjoista! <3
I took some souvenirs to home as well. The Oolong Milky-teas are for my friends and Temple of Heaven green tea for myself.
Next up the Helsinki and Turku-meets! (although if I can use some WiFi in Hamburg, I might upload something from there in the mean time!
Joskus pitää päästä tuonne Teeleidiin käymään. Ihanan näköinrn paikka. Sen jälkeen kun toin kotiin Hesan reissulta Ouncesta teetä niin ovat jääneet nuo perusmarkettien teet puolisolle XD Tosin hänestä nämä Ouncen teet on pahoja koska maistuvat liikaa teeltä.
ReplyDeletePaljon nukkeja ollut miitissä. Eikä Neemo kuume helpottunut. Minäkin tarvitsisin oman pikkuisen sisäkön ^_^
Hauskaa reissua!
Kannattaa ehdottomasti mennä Teeleidiin! Ouncestakun saa kyllä hyviä teelaatuja. Hehe kaikki eivät tunnu pitävän "teenmakuisesta" teestä vaikka minulle se on ollut pitkään juuri sitä oikeaa teetä ja muut vain jotain teetä esittäviä mehuja xD nyt olen tosin antanut myönnytyksiä maustetuille teelaaduillekin ja ostin jopa matkalta sellaisia...
DeleteNo okei, myönnetään myönnetään!! Liptonin BlueFruits esanssitee on salainen paheeni xD Mutta kyllä silti parasta on minusta ihan oikeat maustamattomat teet vaikka markettiteitä voin myös juoda paremman puutteessa. ;)
Anna vaan periksi Neemoille! Haluaisin nähdä mitä keksisit neemon kanssa kuvailla, kuvatarinasi kun ovat aina niin ykkösiä!
Kiitos toivotuksista, oli mukava reissu!! ^-^
Jälleen niin ihania nuketuksia miitissä! ♥o♥
ReplyDeleteOi vitsit, Sherlock museo! Sinne kun joskus vielä pääsis (ite tykkäilen kovasti BBC:n Sherlockista ^^ )
Hyvää Saksan reissua! Onkohan siellä yhtään Euroviisuhuumaa näkyvissä? Oon alkanut lämpeemään nyt Saksan kappaleelle ^^
Sherlock museo oli kyllä (silloin joskus 10 vuotta sitten ku oon siellä käynyt xD ) tosi mainio paikka! Pikkuinen kapea 1800-luvun lontoolaisasunto joka on sisustettu Sherlockin kodiksi. Silloin kun siellä kävin se taisi olla vähän niche nähtävyys koska ei ollut kauheasti tunkua mutta nykyisin taitaa olla suositumpi juuri BBC Sherlockin vuoksi.
DeleteItse en ehtinyt juuri euroviisuja seurata kun matkalle lähtö oli juuri sinä iltana kun viisut olivat, mutta tveeatä näin Saksassa että heidän euroviisuehdokkaastaan oli juttua jälkikäteen (ja siitä ettei voittoa tullutkaan hänen kappaleellaan :D ) hauskannäköisesti pukeutunut viisukisaaja kyllä! Pitää katsoa esiintyminen jälkikäteen tubesta.
Ja kiitos matka oli varsin kiva! ^^
Hauskaa reissua! Sekä tätä nyt tapahtuvaa että tulevaa Lontooseen suuntautuvaa!
ReplyDeleteVitsit, Teeleidi näyttää ihan tutulta mutta myös ihan erilaiselta sinun kuvissasi kuin mitä sen näkee omin silmin. Hassua. Minäkään en ole huomannut että siellä on bookcrossing-piste!
Tuo sohvaryhmä on muuten kesäiltaisin ihana paikka! Ovi avautuu parvekkeelle ja juuri auringonlaskun suuntaan. Minulla on joitakin hienoja kuvia siinä otettuna.
Merkkaa muuten kalenteriisi sunnuntai 7.8. Tai ehkä koko viikonloppu. Silloin tulemme Helsinkiin ponilauman kanssa sillä on Vermon iiiiiso poninäyttely. Eikä nyt puhuta mistään My Little Ponyistä!
Eilen tuli muuten uusin Koiramme-lehti.
Kiitos kiitos! ^3^
DeleteMinäkin aina ihmettelen miten tutuista kohteista eri ihmiset saa ihan erinäköisiä kuvia! Se on kyllä tosi jännä juttu, kuvaajan persoonallisuus välittyy kuvista myös, oli se tarkoituksenmukaista tai ei. Käy tsekkaamassa ihmeessä se bookcrossing nurkka!
Pistän ylös, harmi vaan tuolloin taitaa olla muuta ohjelmaa mutta jos se peruuntuu niin poninäyttely it is! Harmi kun kaikki kiva sattuu aina samaan ajankohtaan...
Ohh! Otan mielelläni vastaan ylimääräiset Koiramme-lehdet ainakin vielä niin kauan kuin en ole Kennel-liiton jäsen... se seikka saattaa pian muuttua ^^
Joo ruokakuvat ja mielipiteet niistä on aina super plussaa *o*!
ReplyDeleteAah, Sherlokki museo, kuulostaa ihanalta. En ole BBC:n Sherlockia katsellut, pidän Sherlockista Elementaryssä kovasti ja Robert Downey Jr:n esittämänä esim leffassa a game of shadows. Puhumattakaan tietenkin Sir Arthur Conan Doylen kirjoittamista Sherlockin erinäisistä tapauksista!
Jesh! Tästä tulee sitten myös gastronomia blogi kaiken lisäksi. XD
DeleteMinäkin tykkään noista Robert Downey Jr'n Sherlock-leffoista! Tuntuu kuin ne olisi unohdettu ihan BBC-Sherlockin vuoksi. Niissä oli kivaa Steampunk-henkeä.
Sitten oli 80-90 luvulla tuotettu the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes jossa Holmesia esitti Jeremy Brett. Se on minulle se The Sherlock Holmes filmatisointi. *nyökyttelee*
The teahouse looks amazing, I love places where you can smell all the different teas XD;
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see any food pictures, since I like looking at them, haha! :D You could always review your food, trips and other things here :D why impose limits?
I really loved that teahouse, such a bummer we don't have one in Turku... I'd go there all the time with my friends...
DeleteGlad to hear the food pics would be appreciated. Until now I've taken them only for myself. I've been really inspired by your food and snack -posts!
I'm always really iffy about where I wanna go with this blog... do I want to post just doll and figure stuff or other stuff as well... but then I have soooooo many other things that I love too outside the doll hobby so if I'd write about them all it would be very random and a little bit of this-and-that. But perhaps that's not a bad thing!
You're going to London with your friend? That is fantastic! London is a very nice and above all, sophisticated city with many landscapes, streets and shops of the most interesting, I think not going to have time to get bored, hahaha.It rains a lot, but it's part of the beauty of it * W *
ReplyDeleteI have to say I also love tea, aroma, flavor ... take all the bag´s tea you can! XD
And the group photo with all your dolls is very cute, all your dolls are wonderful <3
I also should do one when I can, hahaha.
Much encouragement, hope soon as the date of your trip to London and tell us more stuff! :DDDDDDD
((Sorry if a word is misspelled, I'm Spanish and English are regularly gives me ^^ U)
Yes, we are going to London next Autumn! :) You wrote about London so well! That's exactly how I would describe London too.
DeleteHaha oh you're a tea person too! Tea is lovely, and not just because of its taste but because of the whole "ideal" of a relaxing teatime, how there are so many different varieties of tea, how you can really get into tea and all the different tea cultures from different countries... It's fascinating!!
Ohh the group photo is from the meet, those dolls are not all mine. :)
But, you should take a group photo of your dolls! It would be awesome! I'd like to take one of my dolls too but I can't pose a large amount of dolls at the same time at all! It's so difficult! :D
Thank you so much!! <3 I will tell about my trip to London! And don't worry, I can read your English fine :) thank you for the nice comment!